At the heart of fire cooking is the elemental embrace of simplicity, where natural ingredients meet primal flame. A testament to our enduring connection with the earth and the raw, captivating dance of fire and sustenance.

Through word of mouth we were asked to cook for various events, some magical nights were made and Embered Kitchen was born. An agile off grid dining experience, a kitchen fueled by sustainable Scottish woods, organic in flow and not contrained to a restaurant location. A team of cooks united by the passions of fire, food, & drink.

Celebrating and exploring Scotland's incredible seasonal and local produce, enjoying humanity, and helping create those memorable moments where folk come together.

About Embered Kitchen

Meet the team.

Pete, wilderness cook and firechef founder

With a focus on cooking accessible fire-cooked food, I enjoy celebrating our incredible produce and wood varieties, exploring life and engaging directly with the planet to create memorable moments in time. I believe that we are what we eat, and in honoring nature and the foods our ancestors thrived on, we can achieve a contemporary harmony in life.

My inspiration comes from experiences such as wild camping, swimming in lochs, and foraging land and sea. The fireside moments, where I savored dishes crafted directly from the land, instilled in me an unparalleled sense of belonging. The fire kitchen now serves as a means to share these cherished experiences and inspire others. Together, we create beautiful moments, celebrate, and return to our lives with our souls enriched.

Pete - Founder & Wilderness Cook

There is something magical about gathering around a fire, sipping whisky, and experimenting with fine ingredients in good company. One such cherished companion is Gregor, skewered meats, fish and smoke we explore.

Coming from a hospitality industry background Gregor is effortlessly cool even when facing the hottest of grills, his fervor lies in crafting exquisite chilli sauces. We are delighted to announce that he is on the verge of launching his own Chilli Sauce brand, set to tantalise taste buds soon!

Gregor's capsicum creations will undoubtedly feature with our bespoke Embered Kitchen menus, enticing the brave, cautious, and inquisitive alike.

Gregor - Chilli Sauce Maker

Gregor, fire kitchen chef and chilli sauce maker
Callum, vegan chef

A busy town Chef building the dream- his vegan food truck.

Callum is a rock who during a busy service is somewhat reminiscent of a hardy axe swinging battle tank, unstoppable, never seeming to tire. Attacking any kitchen tasks at hand with vigor and cool professionalism.

Chef extraordinaire, such a pleasure to work alongside Callum and always fascinating to talk vegan flavours and techniques- like how one might hit the acidic notes of a goat cheese? A solid kitchen professional running a busy kitchen in Edinburgh and a good guy.

Callum "Haggis "%$*^ing Bon Bons" - Vegan Chef

We had the pleasure of cooking with Morgan at the festivals. A career Chef, time served in busy town kitchens he was curious to come and check out the Fire Kitchen.

A man of experience we learnt much from Morgan, onboarding his sage advice to the kitchen stations, role and flow. Our capacity to serve at peak times improved notably.

Morgan breezed through our prep and our busy grill, a natural in the kitchen and most assuring to have onboard at gigs. After three days of endless cooking, late nights, early starts, small tents. Morgan was fresh as a daisy. He brings wisdom, dedication and his talent in the art of cooking to the kitchen. A pleasure to cook beside.

Morgan - Chef

Morgan, experienced town chef a
Vik's cocktails, Wild drinks maker

Fizzy ferments, shrubs and gimlets!

Vik is studying naturopathy, herbal medicine and healing diets, melding her love of the outdoors and foraging to create wild drinks and cocktails.

Herblore, long forgotten by many but not Vik. Foraging flavours for her brews and creating sensational sparkling tonics that - just feel good.

We are keen to collaborate with Vik soon and feature her cocktails on our menus. We are working into some unique food pairings to experience around a fire.

Vik - Wild Drinks Maker
The Shrubbery


We are always keen to collaborate with other chefs, cooks and outdoor folk to explore and share ideas. If you would be up for cooking on the fire with us please get in touch.